Selected consulting activities |
Hundreds of lectures and workshops on equity in organizations, sexism in schools, sexual harassment, bias in instructional materials, Title IX implementation, curriculum development, classroom interaction, teaching effectiveness and interpersonal communication have been presented for colleges, universities, Desegregation Assistance Centers, state education associations, state departments of education, local school systems and private corporations in 45 states, Canada and Uganda. |
Other professional activities |
Service as editor, board member, or reviewer for the following professional journals and associations:
- Editor, Journal of Classroom Interaction
- Editorial Board, Review of Education.
- Editorial Board, Journal of Classroom Interaction.
- Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education.
- Reviewer, Spencer Fellowships, Woodrow Wilson Foundation
- Field Reviewer, AERA (American Educational Research Association) Paper submissions for annual conference.
- Reviewer, Girl Scout Handbook and other scouting materials.
Bibliographical Listings |
Included in various editions of the following:
Leaders in Education, Contemporary Authors, the World's Who's Who of
Women, Who's Who of American Women, Who's Who of International Writers
and Authors, World's Who's Who in Community and Public Service, Who's
Who in the East, Outstanding Young Women of America, Personalities of the South, Notable Americans and Community Leaders, Notable Americans of
the Bicentennial Era, Dictionary of International Biography
Selected university service and committees |
- Member, University Advisory Council on Sexual Harassment, 1989-1993
- Member, University Committee on Educational Equity, 1989-1990
- Member, College of CAS Committee on Grants and Sponsored Research, 1989-90
- Member, Provost's Committee on University Relationships with D.C. Public Schools, 1988-1990.
- Member, University Faculty Relations Committee, 1986-1987
- Member, University Senate, 1978-1985
- Chair, University Committee on International Students and Programs, 1983-1984
- Member, University Research Committee, 1983-1984.
- Advisory Board, American University Women's Institute, 1978-1983.
- University Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1976-1985, 1989-1992
- Chair, University Committee on Faculty Development, 1979-1980.
- Chair, University Subcommittee on Developing Incentives for Sponsored Research, 1980.
- University Search Committee, Vice Provost for Student Life College of Arts and Sciences Nominations Committee, 1979-1980.
- Search Committee for Dean, School of Education, 1977.
- Chair, School of Education Rank and Tenure Committee, 1976-1977.
- College of Arts and Sciences Budget Advisory Committee, 1980-1982.
- College of Arts and Sciences Educational Policies Committee, 1979-1982.
- School of Education Recruitment Committee, 1980-1982.
- Member, School of Education Undergraduate Studies Committee, 1979- 1989.
- Member, School of Education Dean's Search Committee, 1985.
- Member, School of Education Rank and Tenure Committee, 1985-1987.
Courses taught |
- Foundations of Education
- School and Society
- Principles of Effective Instruction
- Methods of Teaching Language Arts
- Children's Literature
- Sexism in School and Society
- Reading, Writing, and Literature Across the Curriculum
< Curriculum Vitae |